Achieve the impossible

What we do

Zeman Corporation specializes in scaling companies in the technology, engineering, and construction sectors, with a focus on the following business transformation services:

  • Strategic planning and execution

  • Business performance

  • Recruiting

  • Organizational modeling and transformation

  • Change management

  • Career coaching

  • Branding

  • Advertising

Why we do it

  • We believe any business can be transformed into something great. It just takes the right leadership, vision, and most importantly, execution.

We aspire for excellence in all we do

Our Business Principles

Our business principles guide us in how we deliver on our commitments. It’s about adherence. Period. The following business principles are fundamental to our success and vision.

Aspire to be the best

  • Continue to deliver transformational results for people and companies

  • Be customer-driven, consistently delivering the best services

  • Innovate, test and learn

  • Commit to the highest quality

Superb Execution

  • Strategy is very important, but to be the best, we have to execute successfully

  • Promote leadership at all levels of our company

  • Deliver customer service excellence

  • Maintain strong financial discipline

  • Measure performance through an objective project management scorecard

Foster a great culture

  • Operate with the highest levels of integrity

  • Relationships matter

  • Be transparent with our customers, colleagues, investors, community … and ourselves

  • Develop the right incentives

  • Fun place to work!

We believe that by adhering to our principles, while also placing a priority on our customers, staff, and financials (in order of importance), Zeman Corporation will provide the best business consulting services to our customers.